Mukti Subedi

About Me

I am a PhD Candidate in the Department of Natural Resources Management at Texas Tech University, TX. I finished my undergraduate degree in Forestry B.Sc. in forestry from Tribhuvan University Pokhara Campus, Pokhara. I completed my Master’s degree in Biology from Texas A&M University, Kingsville.

BSc in Forestry [Awarded in 2010]

The Bachelor of Science in forestry is a four-year long undergraduate degree offered by Tribhuvan University. All courses/subjects execpt handful of subejcts on seventh semester are compulsory. Forestry education in Nepal is broad ranging from economics, accouting, social sciences, surveying, engineering and natural resources management. I chose Geographic Information System GIS as an elective course. During my B.Sc. education, I was part of several projecs where I:

MSc in Biology [Awarded in 2016]

During my master’s degree, I worked as a Research Assistant in the Department of Biology, Teaching Assistant in the Department of Physics and Geosciences, and served as GIS manager at Geospatial Research Lab (GSRL).

I served as a Teaching assistant to:

1) Introduction to GIS [GEOL 5302]

2) Advanced GIS [GEOL 5313]

3) Introduction to GIS for High-school Teachers, Summer[ 2015]

4) Geospatial Technologies to Upward Bound Math-Science program's participants

PhD in Natural Resources Management [Awarded in 2022]

I am currently working in the Geospatial Technologies lab in the Department of Natural Resources Management at Texas Tech University. Currently, I am working on large-area land use/ land cover mapping of 15 counties of Texas using very-high resolution (<1m) digital aerial photogrph collected through National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP). I am using Geographicl object based image analysis (GEOBIA) techniques. Further, I am also utilizing time-series sentinel-2 data, and light-detection and ranging (LiDAR) data fusion on NAIP data.

In short, I am involved in land use land cover mapping:

Postdoctoral Associate [June 2022 - Present]

As a postdoctoral associate I am exploiting my Remote Sensing, GIS and Forestry related skills in asseessment of site productivity of sevearal pine species in the Eastern United States. I am using multispectral remote sensing data, Global Ecosystem Dynamic Investigation (GEDI), LiDAR point cloud (LPC) and Forest inventory and analysis data.

I will post more about my on-going researches and projects as soon as my time permits, for details about my projects refer to Research tab. In the mean time, you can check my scholarly work at my Google Scholar Profile